By David Balakrishnan, for string quartet. As heard on Confetti Man.
Overall description of the two movements: “Nominated for a Grammy in the composition category in 2016, Confetti Man takes its inspiration from a painting by my wife, Josephine Balakrishnan, depicted on the cover of the CD. Streams of crisscross colorful lines resolve into the visage of a person in deep thought, invoking for the composer the 21stcentury digital age, where one can listen to music from all over the globe at the touch of a smart phone, a plethora of intertwined multi-cultural genres, each of which have their own identity, but at the same time the gaps between the lines belie the illusion of a distinct sense of self that in truth is not so solid as it may seem.” Length: 18:00. (to purchase individual movements separately, click on the respective title below)
Sets up with a rock and roll flourish and spins out from there. Length: 9:51
Takes its title from the famous Krishna temple in South India of the same name. Length: 7:38