In the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, New Orleans native son Terence Blanchard created an impassioned, Grammy Award-winning work: A Tale of God’s Will: A Requiem for Katrina. This updated work is an evening-length, emotional tour-de-force of anger, rage, compassion, melancholy, and beauty.
20 years later, Blanchard is touring this work to commemorate all the events surrounding Katrina and how the great crescent city overcame this adversity. For this updated version of the song cycle, Blanchard has added new arrangements with his band the E-collective, along with the double Grammy Award-winning Turtle Island Quartet, to create a tapestry that captures the destruction of the hurricane and redemption of the great city of New Orleans following the disaster.
“After being paired back for Turtle Island Quartet, Blanchard’s writing hits more starkly.” -The New York Times